Horror films consists of having titles, obtaining some meaning of elements of horror which can be extracted by the audiences from the title. The group created a few names for our film. Here are the results from family and friends when given the different choices of the film:
Bat Killer 1
The Stalker 4
Forest Hunter 6
The Vanishing 7
Travel of Hell 5
Psycho 2
No Help 0
Forest Breh 2
Disguise 0
Cloak Man 0
Unstoppable 6
From these results 'The Vanishing' was a clear favourite and was worked out well as it was also a group favourite.
However, I also thought that the name of a film should be looked at and chosen with great care, as the title can contribute to a USP of the film from the audience's perception. From this great significance of a title an first impressions of the audience I have created my own table of names, including the option of 'The Vanishing' to see what other individuals would think.
Yet again 'The Vanishing' is still the clear favourite from my table above, showing 8 people like it. In further detail, when asking people what their opinion was, I deliberately asked individuals who were aged 15 to 35. The reason for this, is because the film will mostly likely apply to the targeted audience aged 15 and above, as opposed to the first questionnaire where the group asked a whole range of people.
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